Varooms Standards

Nobody likes a lot of rules. But everyone in the Varooms network must be able to rely on how it works and why it works. That means there are certain standards that participants must meet,

For Property Owners

Vacation Rentals come in a wide variety of sizes, types and locations. But all of them require truth in advertising, hospitality cleaning, fast maintenance and on-call management. Property owners are asked to complete applications and paperwork insuring their property meets and will continue to meet high standards.

For lodging managers

Not all managers are created equal. For those that are considerate, committed and diligent we have a place for you in Varooms. Communications and collaboration are the key. If you love working with other people for mutual again, if you love representing great homes to appreciative guests, please contact us to apply.

For Rental Guests

Dealing with the public has its ups and downs. Customers come first of course, but even they can be expected to conform to guidelines for expectations, behavior and payment. In the rare instance where guest's misbehave, owners and managers work together to protect the sanctity of the property, the neighborhood and the industry in general.

Joing Varooms and learning more is easy.

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